27 May 2006

Seatbelt Silliness

Sorry for the lag in posts, I was sent to Kansas City for two weeks on work. Looks like I came home at the right time. Time for Click It or Ticket. Of course, I wasn't too happy that the Star told us to buckle up or else, so of course, I wrote back...

"The Star's editorial regarding Click It or Ticket is a bit too Big Brother for some tastes. Seatbelt laws are a waste of taxpayer money.
Instead of tracking down rapists, searching for murderers, and stopping burglaries, police officers and sheriff deputies are ordered to stand watch and ticket those who choose not to wear a seatbelt. All because it's "for our own good."
A better alternative for Click It or Ticket is to have the insurance companies refuse to pay any claim filed if the policyholder wasn't wearing his seatbelt. That should be motivation enough to wear a seatbelt."

Let's see if it's published anytime soon...

04 May 2006

Big Overhead = Big Profits

The Left wants you think the oil companies are gouging citizens at the pump. The Right is pandering to the Left. It's bad when one party is demagoguing, it's exponentially worse when both parties demagogue.

It's quite simple folks, the reason oil profits are at record highs is because the cost of doing business is at a record high. Neal Boortz explained it best (I'm paraphrasing here)...when you have a product that costs $0.80 to produce, you sell it for $1.00, meaning a $0.20 profit and a 20% profit margin. When the product costs $1.60 to produce, what do you sell the product at to maintain that 20% profit margin?? The same thing is true of gas...when prices go up to do business and be profitable, the prices at the pump have to do likewise.

Laying the Hammer Down

NUVO columnist Steve Hammer takes Indianapolis Star columnist to task for his less than glowing article regarding the Libertarian Party of Indiana. Hammer states Tully is upset because he has something to do besides read Republican press releases. The full article is here.

03 May 2006

Primary Concern

Yesterday was the taxpayer-subsidized nominating conventions...err...primaries. The time for me to walk into the Lawrence Fire Station and hear "Republican slate??" and "Democrat slate??" I kindly declined each and walked in and signed in with ID, really not that big of a problem as Marion County Democrat Chair Ed Treacy would like people to think, it's common sense really. I'm upset at the fact he's making a hullaballoo over something that should be done by the respective parties involved.

Primaries are not good at all, honestly. If a candidate is good enough to be slated by a party, then the candidate should be directly placed on the November ballot. None of this springtime posturing and posing. Not only that, voter turnout is anemic at best for a primary. Estimates for Marion County were 10-15% of all eligible voters turned out yesterday.

Another benefit by eliminating primaries is moving school board elections to the fall. The people that make the policies for our children are decided on by a fraction of the populace. The extra six months would give voters a better idea of how their taxes are spent on local education; on a side note, it would hold educational boards more responsible to the taxpayers and parents of the students of the school district.

Less cost, more accountability...where do I sign up??

02 May 2006

The Relevance of Libertarians

Matt Tully, the Indianapolis Star political reporter, wrote an article about how since it's primary time, it's Libertarian Whine time. How we complain about inadequate coverage, and the like. I wrote a letter last week that was published today. Here's the text:

"I have to disagree with Matthew Tully's assessment of Libertarians ("Libertarians whining? It must be election time," April 28).
When he talks of our irrelevance, he fails to see the gains made both inside and outside of Indianapolis.
Libertarians have worked with other fiscal conservatives in the Washington Township Concerned Citizens group, reducing the cost of building projects for the school system.
Libertarians have worked with property owners in Geist to prevent the annexation of homes and businesses into Fishers.
Libertarians in Greenfield have worked with business owners to protect their rights in regard to day-to-day operations.
Libertarians have made gains statewide, winning past elections in Greenfield, Hagerstown, Johnson County, and in Union City. In many local elections, Libertarians provide the only opposition for Republicans and Democrats.
Libertarians in Indianapolis are considered irrelevant in the press because they choose not to cover us, not because we don't do anything."

Fortunately, many local newspapers, like the Noblesville Daily Times, the Muncie Star-Press, the Greenfield Daily Reporter, and the Richmond Palladium-Item include Libertarians in the political talk around town. Libertarians are here, whether the Star wants to report it or not.

A Happy Couple

A week and a half ago...I finally tied the knot!!! Thank you Beth for loving me and being willing to put up with my crap for the rest of your life. Now it's time to turn it up into high gear now that the taxpayer-subsidized conventions...errrr....primaries are done.

26 January 2006

Taxes, Schmaxes

It was reported by the Indianapolis Star that the proposed cigarette tax failed to get out of committee, 6-2. The governor's ill-fated attempt to pick and choose his idea of the "unhealthiest" Hoosiers was not a good idea. Last time, I checked he's 0-for-2 in proposed tax increases at his State of the State. There are so many other problems right now, such as cutting the size and scope of government, but neither Republicans or Democrats are interested in them.

Kudos for proposing the bill that limits only emergency medical care to illegal immigrants. It's not the duty of government to care for the sick, but there is a point where you should assist those that can't help themselves, but no more. Opponents of the bill say it's on the businessmen that don't provide healthcare to the immigrants, I say it's a choice made by the employees to work for the employers, fully aware of the risks involved.

25 January 2006

Food Fight

Marion County has outdone itself once again. The 1% food and beverage tax enacted to subsidize the new Indiana Stadium is failing to claim the projected revenues. According to Abdul in the Morning, Marion County is short about $800,000. According to projections, the county will be a couple of million of dollars short towards its share of the stadium funding. No worries yet, but if people aren't careful, the liberal tax and spend Republicrats will have to find more ways to fund the stadium.

19 January 2006


Click here for a link to my letter to the editor about NK Hurst and the editorial written by Sen. Luke Kenley (R-Noblesville) and Rep. Jeff Espich (R-Uniondale). Property rights are non-negotiable.

I Smell Bacon...

House Speaker Brian Bosma is finally taking the first steps towards being a fiscal conservative. In a plan proposed this week, the Speaker is eliminating the health benefits received by any representative elected or re-elected in the upcoming 2006 elections. Instead they will pay into the state health plan, like any other public servant.

Some representatives agree with this while Vanessa Summers (D-Indianapolis) said she may retire from the House in order to keep the benefits. The Indianapolis Star story goes on to tell the feelings of the various elected officials.

I applaud Speaker Bosma for his efforts, and I hope that Senate President Pro Tempore Bob Garton (R-Columbus) will do the same thing in his chamber. Subsidizing healthcare for elected officials is not a function of government.

13 January 2006

GOP Shakeup

It has been announced that Indiana GOP chair Jim Kittle will be resigning from his post after four years on the job. Kittle, the chairman/CEO of Kittle's Furnishings, is stepping down two days after Governor Daniels' State of the State address, where the governor promoted a plan of consolidating township government to the county level, shrinking the size of government, and eliminating elected positions (ie: township assessors).

The idea doesn't bode well for Marion County GOPers, as they have been steadfast in their resistance to the Indy Works consolidation plan promoted by Indianapolis Mayor Bart Peterson, a Democrat. Indy Republicans have been saying that consolidation is a bad idea; now their governor is saying "go for it." It appears there will be a serious fracture in the local GOP, oppose City Hall, or oppose their governor. It seems that Libertarians will have it a little bit easier in 2006 and 2007, when we'll have the only options to remove government from people's lives.

Where There's Smoke, There's Taxes

Governor Daniels gave his second State of the State address on Wednesday, and again the Republican asked the legislature for a tax increase. Instead of punishing those that make six figures, he goes after smokers.

Now I understand that smoking is a problem, and is not a good habit all. However, I believe that he is punishing those that make a personal choice. Daniels said that Hoosiers weigh too much, drink too much, smoke too much, and exercise too little. Then to suggest an increase in the cigarette tax, saying the monies collected will be spent on youth prevention is a bit much for anyone to stomach.

Instead of taxing and reaching further in people's lives (ie: their wallets), promote the options available to quitting the habit. The WhiteLies campaign has been quite successful in the youth market, maybe they can do something along those lines using already available funds, instead of taxing and spending more.

It seems that it's the same ol' game, just a different target.

11 January 2006

More Nickname Nonsense

Respected George Will wrote a column picked up by the Indianapolis Star on January 5, discussing the NCAA nickname rules, and how the University of Illinois is barred from using the name Fighting Illini in postseason play (ie: college football bowls, March Madness, etc.)

Very simply put, I believe former Oklahoma linebacker Brian Bosworth was right when he wore a shirt calling the NCAA "National Communists Against Athletes." Forcing the schools to change names to be PC is ridiculous. They have said that schools such as Florida State and Utah are allowed to keep their Native American nicknames because the respective tribes approve is OK. Problem with the Illini is that there are very few tribesmen still around, or there not even in Illinois.

The NCAA should let the schools make the decisions for themselves. Enough of this feel-good stuff. It's the University of Illinois, not the University of NCAA.

09 January 2006

Legislative Wishlist for 06

I realize I post as often as a turtle, however the General Assembly is back, and that means more news than I know what to do with :)...with that said, here's what I want to see accomplished in the short session.

-Eminent Domain Restrictions. The House Judiciary Committee passed the bill (HB 1010, I believe) unanimously, protecting private property (Like the NK Hurst company) from the reach of our government. It will go before the full House soon.

-ISTEP to Spring...my fiance will agree with me on this. Giving students standardized tests just weeks after they return from summer break is a bit ridiculous.

-Return Power to Local Governments. This could be a great thing, if done correctly. If it's not done right, it would go over as well as a "temporary tax increase."

A short list for a short session (adjourned by 14-March). Watch for more posts as the session moves on